Dr. Quentin McAndrew is Coursera’s academic strategist. She collaborates with university partners to envision the future of higher education and create and scale innovative global programs, including online degrees, certificates, and open courses. Prior to joining Coursera, Dr. McAndrew was the Assistant Vice Provost and Executive Director for Academic and Learning Innovation and Strategic Transformation at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder). She was a key architect of the university’s performance-based degree admission pathways and stackable degrees. During her tenure, she grew Boulder’s Coursera catalog from 16 courses to nearly 200 courses and specializations, two MasterTrack® programs, and three degrees.
Dr. McAndrew has taught nearly 175,000 global learners in her business writing course on Coursera and has won awards for her writing, teaching, and research. At Coursera, she has led mission-critical projects around stackability, industry certificates, and learner-first degrees. Her professional career includes international and domestic roles leading business development and new product development for Time Life, Inc. (a former Time Warner company), as well as leading strategic transformation across all departments of CU Boulder and delivering $100 million in new revenue to the institution. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Stanford University and her Ph.D. from CU Boulder, all in English.