Gayle Nunley

Director of Global Educational Initiatives, University of Vermont


Dr. Gayle Nunley joined the Provost’s Office at the University of Vermont in 2011, coinciding with the University’s decision to embark on an ambitious expansion of international engagement.  In her role as Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs & Internationalization from 2011-15, she played a key role in the January 2014 launch of the Global Gateway Program, which quickly became UVM’s primary engine of successful international enrollment.  

In addition to her ongoing leadership in GGP and service as UVM’s senior international officer, since 2015 Gayle has assumed the newly created position of UVM Director of Global Educational Initiatives. She holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University and has been a faculty member at the University of Vermont since 1988, where her primary research and teaching interests have centered on mobility and cross-cultural representation.